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Tonic-Clonic Seizures for the Elderly Explained

Tonic-clonic seizures can be scary, but there are plenty of ways to manage them effectively. Read our guide to learn about symptoms, causes and treatments.
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22 May 2023 Tips & Advice

What Causes Tiredness in the Elderly?

Find out what causes excessive tiredness in the elderly, including medical conditions and lifestyle factors, along with how to treat and prevent it.
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What Does Anxiety Look Like in the Elderly?

It can feel isolating for an elderly person suffering from anxiety. Find out what anxiety is in the elderly, the forms of treatment, and what you can do to help.
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Parkinson’s Stages for the Elderly: Life Expectancy and Fatality

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with Parkinson's, you probably have plenty of questions. Learn more about disease stages, life expectancy and fatality.
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04 May 2023 Elderly Care

What is a Care Plan for the Elderly?

Care plans for the elderly can help you provide the best care possible to keep your loved one safe and happy. Find out more in our guide.
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03 May 2023 Activities

The Best Memory-Boosting Games for the Elderly

Searching for some much-needed entertainment that could help with cognitive function? We share our favourite memory-boosting games for the elderly.
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27 Apr 2023 Dementia

Six Facts You Should Know About Elderly Dementia

Want to learn more facts about elderly dementia? We share the latest dementia statistics and answer some of your most common questions.
Physiotherapist taking care of elderly patient

Explaining Oedema for the Elderly: Symptoms & Diagnosis

Prevent oedema and swollen legs in the elderly by understanding the symptoms, causes and diagnostic tools. Learn more in our guide.
Adult daughter visits senior father in assisted living home

What are the Symptoms of Autoimmune Diseases in the Elderly?

Learn about the symptoms of autoimmune diseases in the elderly – from symptoms and types to diagnosis and treatment options.
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