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How to Prevent Elderly Arthritis

The prevalence of elderly arthritis is on the rise. Understanding what it is and the underlying causes can help you take action now to reduce your risks. Discover what lifestyle changes you can make to reduce the impact or even prevent arthritis.
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22 Nov 2022 Tips & Advice

The Elderly and Sleep

While we all tend to get up more in the night as we age, maintaining good sleep patterns becomes more vital in our older years. Read our latest blog to find out more about the elderly and sleep.
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15 Nov 2022 Lone Worker Alarms

Lone working procedures

People working alone is becoming more common in the UK workforce, and for employers, understanding who a lone worker is, and what procedures need to be in place to protect them, is becoming increasingly important.
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10 Nov 2022 Tips & Advice

Best Christmas Gifts for the elderly 2022

The festive season is rapidly approaching and now is often the time we turn our attentions to gift buying for those we care about.
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09 Nov 2022 Dementia

Dementia with Lewy Bodies: Signs, Symptoms and Treatments

Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is a progressive neurological disorder that affects an estimated 100,000 people in the UK. We explore the signs, symptoms and treatments in our latest blog.
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03 Nov 2022 Elderly Care

Low levels of sodium in the elderly

While we often hear about the dangers of having too high an amount of salt within your diet and how increased sodium in your body can damage your health, for older people, the opposite can also be the case. We explore the causes, symptoms and treatments for low levels of sodium in the elderly.
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How is Arthritis Diagnosed in the Elderly?

It's not unusual to suffer from aches and pains or stiffness of joints as an elderly person. However, these could be signs of arthritis. Early diagnosis and treatment are essential to help slow down the progression of the disease and prevent further damage.
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24 Oct 2022 Tips & Advice

Best Christmas Gifts for Older People

There are a number of gift ideas available which can specifically cater to the needs of older people. We explore some of the best Christmas gifts for older people.
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Heart Failure - Signs, Symptoms & Causes for the Elderly

Heart failure is a growing problem in the UK, partly due to lifestyle changes but also due to other issues such as the pandemic which has seen both delays in diagnosis, but also complications from heart disease. As with any medical worries, it pays to act quickly, and treatment can make the world of difference to your recovery and quality of life. With this in mind, we explore the signs, symptoms and treatments for heart failure.
Sure Safe Woman with Baby and Daughter Illustration Footer Left Sure Safe Man on Bicycle Illustration Footer Right

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