Lone Worker Alarms

There are millions of people working alone in the UK. They range from cleaners and care workers to security guards, maintenance workers and drivers. Whatever the role, lone workers face unique challenges when it comes to safety, including both attacks and accidents.

While no victim is ever at fault, there are steps you can take to minimise the risk of attacks and accidents and ensure the best response should anything occur. That’s why we provide a range of articles to keep you updated with the latest lone working news, regulations and safety guides.

As well as raising awareness of lone working issues, we provide tips and resources for lone working to keep you or your staff safe. That includes the use of technology, such as apps and alarms, which can provide a lifeline for lone workers by keeping them connected whatever their location.

Read the latest lone worker news to keep your business compliant and employees safe. Or protect yourself with our expert advice and tips – from how alarms can be used to performing risk assessments when working alone.

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Lone worker hero image
30 Jan 2025 Lone Worker Alarms

Why You Need a Safety Alarm While Working Alone

Working alone is unavoidable in many job roles. But it can be risky. What happens if an emergency occurs while no-one is nearby? Who will get help for the worker during a medical event like a heart attack?
Lone Construction Worker
30 Jan 2025 Lone Worker Alarms

10 Jobs Where Lone Worker Alarms Are Invaluable

A lone worker device offers essential protection for workers who are alone all or part of the time – especially when their work is risky.
Lone Worker
13 Jul 2023 Lone Worker Alarms

4 Best Lone Worker Apps for Safety & Protection

Lone workers face greater risks, but lone worker apps and personal alarms can help via GPS tracking, fall detection and one-touch alarm functions.
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15 Nov 2022 Lone Worker Alarms

Lone working procedures

People working alone is becoming more common in the UK workforce, and for employers, understanding who a lone worker is, and what procedures need to be in place to protect them, is becoming increasingly important.
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22 Sept 2022 Lone Worker Alarms

Risk Assessments For Lone Workers

Lone workers make up a significant portion of the workforce in many industries, and as such, employers have a duty of care to ensure their safety while they are working. A risk assessment is a vital part of this process, as it allows employers to identify any potential risks that their lone workers may face and put measures in place to mitigate them.
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26 Aug 2022 Lone Worker Alarms

What Are the Rules on Lone Working in the UK?

One in five people in the UK work alone or without direct supervision,so it is important that lone workers are protected by their employers to ensure their safety. We explore the rule on lone working in the UK
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15 Jul 2022 Lone Worker Alarms

How can we protect Lone Workers?

With around 20% of the total UK workforce classed as lone workers, how can you ensure that your lone workers are protected? Learn about the risks associated with lone working, what the employer of a lone worker must do and protection systems to ensure the safety of lone workers.
Mature black woman working from home
25 May 2022 Lone Worker Alarms

What safety measures are in place for lone working?

For any business, ensuring employees' safety is always a primary concern. However, for those who manage remote workers the elements of risk can be elevated thanks to both the fact that, should an issue arise, they may be unable to summon help, and the fact that, as a result of being alone, they can be more susceptible to risks such as accidents or violence. Therefore, ensuring that you have safety measures in place for lone workers is vital. It is important to understand how a lone worker’s safety may be at risk, and what measures are in place to help support and keep them safe.
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18 May 2022 Lone Worker Alarms

What should a personal alarm be used for in lone working?

A personal alarm or other lone worker device can be a valuable piece of lone working equipment, providing peace of mind in case of an emergency for your staff and ensuring that you meet your obligations as an employer of lone workers.
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