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Senior woman smiling
17 Nov 2020 Activities

Lockdown hobbies & activities for elderly women

With a SureSafe personal alarm UK women have been living independently in their homes throughout lockdown. whether you’re furloughed or generally finding more time on your hands, we've put together some of the best activities and hobbies you can do at home to keep you active and entertained.
Personal Alarms for Peace of Mind
15 Jun 2020 Telecare & Alarms

Telehealth Care & Medical Alarms: The Ultimate Guide

Telehealth care is helping UK families to connect to each other nationwide. Whether you have concerns about an elderly parent falling, you have a loved one in a rural or remote location or you want to make a younger relative feel more comfortable - using a personal alarm pendant or a wrist worn fall detector can give you reassurance and peace of mind.
Combating elderly loneliness
18 Mar 2020 Activities

How to Combat Loneliness When Living At Home Alone

Loneliness within the elderly community is a fairly common issue. As people age, they become more vulnerable to loneliness. This could be because they can't get out much or they retire and don't have the same social networks. But what are the signs of loneliness in elderly people? How can you prevent loneliness in elderly relatives? And how can a personal alarm system make a lone elderly person feel safe?
Senior man with younger caregiver
18 Feb 2019 Telecare & Alarms

Simple gadgets & personal alarms to help dementia patients

When people hear the word dementia, they generally associate it with a single disease. This is not the case, however. Dementia is an umbrella term used to describe a memory loss problem that impacts the proper functioning of the brain. It can affect anyone but it's more common in elderly people.
Senior man with walker and caregiver
26 Oct 2018 Falls

How to prevent falls in the elderly in and out of the home

As our parents and grandparents age, their health may deteriorate and they may become more vulnerable to the risk of falling. Falls impact not only people's physical but mental health as well. A fall can knock a persons confidence, so how can we all help reduce the risk of falling?
Active Older Woman checking her fitness watch
25 Oct 2018 Telecare & Alarms

What is telecare? Everything you need to know

Telecare is a remote monitoring service that allows elderly and vulnerable people to maintain independence, whilst also staying safe. Telecare equipment has become an essential requirement for many families with elderly loved ones, ensuring they are able to call for help should the worst occur, giving everyone peace of mind.
Personal Alarms for Elderly Health
30 Jun 2018 Telecare & Alarms

Elderly health & careline personal alarms

We saw the first careline alarms in the 1970s and they have come a long way since then. Technology has advanced a lot and personal alarms are used by people of all ages and, with features such as fall alarm, they can help support a range of conditions. They still play an important part in elderly health care and they can offer reassurance for both the wearer and their loved ones.
Joyful adult daughter greeting happy surprised senior mother
25 Jun 2018 Elderly Care

Personal Safety Alert Devices: Elderly Safety Made Easy

As people grow old, they become more dependent on others for their well being and safety. Pendant personal alarms with GPS tracking and Fall Detection are just one way that elderly relatives can continue living in their own homes independently and with peace of mind.
Two people standing in forest
04 Apr 2018 Telecare & Alarms

Personal alarm and GPS tracker for elderly with dementia

Getting lost and finding yourself confused is a common symptom of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease and can cause a person to panic. If your loved one has a habit of wandering off, dementia GPS tracker personal alarm technology means that your elderly parent or a relative can be located wherever they are.
Sure Safe Woman with Baby and Daughter Illustration Footer Left Sure Safe Man on Bicycle Illustration Footer Right

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