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Is COPD a Disability for Elderly People in the UK?

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a progressive lung condition that causes breathing difficulties. We explore causes and treatments, and whether COPD is a disability in the UK.
Mature black woman working from home
25 May 2022 Lone Worker Alarms

What safety measures are in place for lone working?

For any business, ensuring employees' safety is always a primary concern. However, for those who manage remote workers the elements of risk can be elevated thanks to both the fact that, should an issue arise, they may be unable to summon help, and the fact that, as a result of being alone, they can be more susceptible to risks such as accidents or violence. Therefore, ensuring that you have safety measures in place for lone workers is vital. It is important to understand how a lone worker’s safety may be at risk, and what measures are in place to help support and keep them safe.
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18 May 2022 Lone Worker Alarms

What should a personal alarm be used for in lone working?

A personal alarm or other lone worker device can be a valuable piece of lone working equipment, providing peace of mind in case of an emergency for your staff and ensuring that you meet your obligations as an employer of lone workers.
15 May 2022 Digital Switchover

When Will Landlines Be Phased Out in the UK?

Landline users are being migrated to using broadband for their house phones instead. See our FAQs about how that might affect you.
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13 May 2022 Falls

Causes of falls in the elderly

As we age our bodies become a little more fragile and unbalanced. This can lead to an increased risk of falls, and also the potential for the outcome of a fall to be more serious than for those who are younger. We explore the causes of falls in the elderly.
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11 May 2022 Lone Worker Alarms

What must the employer of a lone worker do?

It’s estimated that approximately 20% of the UK’s workforce is comprised of lone workers – those who work without direct supervision for extended periods of time. We explore what the employer of a lone worker must do to keep them safe.
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26 Apr 2022 Digital Switchover

Mobile Phones for the Elderly: An Introductory Guide

Which phones are easiest for older people to use? What is the best mobile phone for the hard of hearing? Is there a great mobile phone for the partially sighted? We explore the best mobile phones for the elderly.
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High Blood Pressure: Causes and Symptoms for the Elderly

It's estimated that around a third of all adults in the UK have high blood pressure, though many will be unaware. We explore the causes, symptoms and treatments for high blood pressure.
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13 Apr 2022 Digital Switchover

Digital Inclusion and what it means for the elderly

From paying our bills to communicating with friends and family, many personal and business interactions now take place primarily online. But what can this mean for those who don’t have easy access to internet, or are unsure or wary of using online platforms? We explore what digital inclusion is, and what it can mean for older people.
Sure Safe Woman with Baby and Daughter Illustration Footer Left Sure Safe Man on Bicycle Illustration Footer Right

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