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Take Time for Self Care
25 Aug 2021 Elderly Care

How do I make time for myself as a carer?

If you are caring for your elderly mum, dad or any other loved one, it can be exhausting and you may struggle with your wellbeing. It is very important that you take time out for self-care. Here are some helpful suggestions on ways you can take care of yourself as a carer.
Personal Alarms for Peace of Mind
05 Aug 2021 Telecare & Alarms

What is a Panic Button for the Elderly?

Learn about how a panic alarm for the elderly gives safety and peace of mind for you or a loved one.
Keeping Mum or Dad at Home
04 Aug 2021 Telecare & Alarms

Do Personal Alarm Devices for the Elderly Help Keep them Safe?

Keeping older loved ones safe can be a big worry for many people. Personal alarm systems for the elderly are a popular option to allow your elderly loved one to remain living in their own homes, safer and for longer. SureSafe also has a range of wrist worn alarms if you prefer not to wear a pendant.
A Space for Anxious Shoppers
30 Jul 2021 Tips & Advice

A safe space for anxious shoppers

A third of people age sixty or over have reported feeling more anxious recently. With lockdown easing, some businesses are creating safe spaces to give people a place to go to if they are feeling anxious.
Personal alarms for elderly loved ones
20 Jul 2021 Tips & Advice

25th of July is the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly

Earlier this year in January Pope Francis announced that July 25th would be World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, a time when the Catholic church will honour and celebrate grandparents and the elderly.
Keeping Mum or Dad at Home
19 Jul 2021 Elderly Care

Cost of Care and Keeping the Elderly Home for Longer

It’s a problem facing many UK families. Is there any way I can keep my elderly mum or dad living at home for as long as possible? Can we afford the cost of a care home?
Money 164032 1280
15 Jul 2021 Elderly Care

Will my elderly parents be excluded from a cashless society?

We all started to notice the closure of local banks way before the pandemic and Covid-19 only served to speed this process up with many shops and other businesses only accepting cashless transactions. But where does that leave our elderly relatives?
16 Dec 2020 Activities

Self Care Activities: The Benefits of Meditation

Meditation is a mind and body practise that promotes calmness, relaxation and has many psychological benefits. It is something that can be enjoyed at any age and it is especially thought to benefit elderly people for many reasons. These include reducing stress and creating a calmer mindset.
Senior woman looking at paperwork with caregiver

Most common long term health conditions for the elderly

Long term health conditions can affect us from any age, but this is something we probably think about more as we get older. We've put together a bit of information on some of the main conditions to be aware of for yourself or an elderly loved one.
Sure Safe Woman with Baby and Daughter Illustration Footer Left Sure Safe Man on Bicycle Illustration Footer Right

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