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Fall icon Fall Alarms for the Elderly

An elderly personal alarm with automatic fall detection can detect a fall and call for help without you needing to push the button. This is vital is you are unconscious or immobile following a sudden illness or a fall. The call will automatically go through to either your nominated contacts or a SureSafe operator, depending on which service you have chosen. You will be able to get the help you need fast, even if you are unable to press the button.

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Products 2up Square Trans 1 SureSafeGO
Your Alarm. Your Way. Be safe anywhere. Available in watch or pendant format with 24/7 or family monitoring. Plus fall detection & GPS tracker.

What is an SOS Watch for the elderly?

Article by Daniel Westhead Daniel Westhead Sure Safe Alarms

In recent years, organisations that represent elderly people’s concerns have increasingly advocated for “ageing in place”. This term simply means that an older person continues to live in their own home independently rather than moving to a care home or to a family member’s home.

The key to ageing in place is providing supports and adaptations to help seniors stay safe as they age. These supports can come in many forms, ranging from simple gadgets like jar openers to hospital-style beds for use in a home.

Another crucial support for an older person who lives alone is an SOS watch or SOS bracelet. This device is designed to ensure that a senior is never unable to call for help when they need it.

But what exactly is an SOS alarm watch for the elderly, and why can it make such a big difference for an older person’s safety? Read on to find out.

The basics of an emergency SOS Watch

The term “SOS watch” can be used to describe many types of devices that either are or resemble a watch or smart watch. The key aspect of these devices is that they are a form of personal alarm for the elderly. They allow you to call for help in the case of an emergency – that’s the “SOS” aspect of the device.

The idea behind an SOS watch is that an older person living alone might be unable to call for help in an emergency. If a senior suddenly finds that they are having a health crisis, they might be unable to walk over to a table where their phone is. They might also not be clear-headed enough to make a call on the phone. When seconds count, an SOS watch provides a way for an elderly person to call for help immediately without losing precious time.

One specific accident that an SOS watch can help with is a fall. Falls in the elderly are particularly dangerous, and they can be even riskier when the older person lives alone. This is because if the person who has fallen can’t call for help, they may be unable to get up from the floor and could end up lying there for long periods of time. This is called a “long lie,” and it’s an upsetting scenario that every elderly person wants to avoid. An SOS watch or bracelet eases fears about a “long lie” because it’s always accessible, even to an older person who has fallen onto the floor.

Key features of an SOS Watch

We’ve mentioned that SOS watches can vary in appearance and features. What do they generally have in common?

Button alert system

SOS watches typically have a way for their wearers to immediately call for help. Ideally, this alarm system should require just one touch of a button. To avoid accidental alerts, the user might need to press and hold the button for a few seconds to activate its call for help.

This approach is best because a more complex way of calling for help could waste time or confuse a senior who is unwell or losing consciousness.

Watch-like appearance

While some SOS watches have an analogue appearance, most are digital watches. They resemble a smart watch, which is great because it reduces the stigma around wearing a personal alarm.

The best SOS watches may include other features of a watch, such as medication reminder alerts or a speaking clock functionality. However, not all SOS watches offer these functionalities, so be sure to carefully check before you buy.

Water resistant

It’s very important that SOS watches are water-resistant and can be worn in the shower. Why? Because a large proportion of accidents that happen to the elderly occur in the bathroom. Due to their slippery surfaces and the high, tricky sides of bathtubs, bathrooms can become quite challenging for older people to safely manoeuvre in.

An adapted bathroom with features like grab bars around the toilet and bath or shower is a great help to seniors who have mobility difficulties. However, these measures aren’t a guarantee against a fall, so the SOS is still needed.

Easy-to-fasten bracelet or watch band

Once an SOS watch has been purchased, it’s crucially important for the older person who owns it to wear it all the time except when it’s charging. An easy-to-fasten watch band or bracelet helps because it makes it easy for a senior to put the watch back on after charging.

Who receives the alerts?

We’ve established that there’s a button on SOS watches that calls for help. But who exactly does this alert system call?

There are typically two different options available. One is for the SOS watch to call the user’s family and friends on their phones. The other is for the watch to call a dedicated response centre.

The choice between these two options depends on the older person’s situation. If their family lives just down the street, an alarm that calls loved ones might be fine. If an older person is farther away from friends and relatives, an alarm alert system that calls the response centre might be best.

Why the SureSafeGO is your best option for an SOS Watch

Out of all the SOS watch options on the market, which is the best?

At SureSafe, we believe our SureSafeGO outshines the rest – and we have a 4.8 out of 5 rating on Trustpilot to back us up.

The SureSafeGO is a high-quality alarm that offers numerous other features to make an older person’s day easier and safer. It includes all the functionalities we’ve discussed above, plus many more, like…

A fully digital alarm system

As you likely already know, the UK’s copper phone line system is being phased out by 2027. That can be a problem for some personal alarms that rely on copper landlines.

Fortunately, the SureSafeGO doesn’t. It is fully digital, so the upcoming 2027 switchoff will have no effect on it.

Fall detection

We’ve already discussed the dangers of a long lie and how an SOS button on a watch can help if a fall occurs. But what happens if a senior falls because they’ve lost consciousness – meaning that they are unable even to press a single button to get help?

A feature called fall detection was added to the SureSafeGO for exactly this eventuality. With this feature, the watch can sense when its wearer has fallen. When the watch realises a fall has occurred, it can automatically call for help without requiring any input from the wearer at all.

GPS location and geo-fencing

Some SOS watches work only inside the home, as they rely on a “base unit” that needs to be plugged in within the home.

That’s not the case with the SureSafeGO. Its alarm system works while the wearer is out and about, and it’s GPS-enabled, too. That might be useful for any senior, but it’s extra useful for an older person who has dementia and is prone to wandering. Seniors with dementia can very easily slip away in a crowd and then become lost – but that’s no problem with the SureSafeGO, as they can be tracked via the GPS.

The SureSafeGO even has a geo-fencing feature. Through geo-fencing, an older person’s family and friends can receive an alert if the senior has gone beyond a predetermined area. Again, this helps in situations of dementia to alert the family if an older person is unexpectedly farther away from home than anyone thought.

Family and friends app

The SureSafeGO is far more than just a watch – although it does tell the time!

It also includes a family and friends app that an older person can use to keep in touch with loved ones. When an older person physically lives far away from friends and family, this kind of communication can really help the senior to feel connected. It can also assist family members with coordinating the older person’s care.

Similarly, the SureSafeGO also offers medication reminders, which is handy for older people who take multiple pills each day.

Get in touch with our expert team to learn more

If this all sounds good to you, why not reach out to our expert team at SureSafe to learn more? We’re a highly-reviewed UK market leader in the area of personal alarms for the elderly, and we’re confident that the SureSafeGO is a fantastic choice for anyone who wants a little more peace of mind about facing a health crisis or fall – whether that’s at home or out and about.

To get in touch with us, you can call at 0808 189 1671, talk to us through live chat or request a call back.

SureSafeGo SOS Watch (Also available in Pendant format)

Products 2up Square Trans 1


Your Alarm. Your Way. Be safe anywhere. Available in watch or pendant format with 24/7 or family monitoring. Plus fall detection & GPS tracker.
  • One touch icon One-touch Personal Alarm
  • Fall icon Automatic Fall Detection
  • Map GPS icon GPS Tracking
from £179.95
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