Elderly Health Conditions

It’s only natural that some health issues become more common as we age. However, these elderly health conditions don’t have to seriously impair quality of life for you or a loved one. As well as treating and living with conditions, it’s important to have knowledge of different health concerns to make sure they are identified early and can be properly treated.

Our articles on elderly conditions cover a wide variety of topics, including autoimmune conditions, rheumatic conditions, and other general elderly health complications. Learn about the signs and symptoms associated with these conditions and know when to contact a healthcare professional.

Beyond recognising certain elderly conditions, there’s lots of advice on living with health conditions. This includes healthy lifestyle choices to stop diseases progressing or minimise the risk of them developing in the first place. With our help, you’ll be better equipped to maintain your independence in your later years.

At SureSafe, we are dedicated to helping elderly people with a range of autoimmune, rheumatic and other conditions. By learning more about these issues, seniors and their loved ones can take control of their health and live life to the full.

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Living With Arthritis as an Elderly Person

If you're an elderly person living with arthritis, you know that the condition can make everyday tasks difficult. But there are many ways to manage your arthritis and improve your day-to-day life. We explore some tips and advice for living with arthritis.
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Causes Signs and Symptoms of Epilepsy in Elderly People

There are around 600,000 people in the UK living with epilepsy. We discuss common signs, symptoms and causes in our latest blog.
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Anaemia: Signs, Symptoms and Causes for the Elderly

Anaemia is a condition which affects over two billion people across the world – over 30% of the global population. In our latest blog we discuss the signs, sytmpsoms and causes.
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The Best Diet Choices for Elderly People with High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure affects around one in three adults across the UK and is a leading cause of major illnesses. Discover the foods to eat and the foods to avoid to ensure you stay heart healthy.
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Early Signs of a Stroke for Elderly People: Signs, Symptoms, Prognosis

In the UK, a stroke strikes every five minutes. Around 100,000 people have a stroke every year. The sooner someone receives treatment for a stroke, the less likely they are to experience brain damage and other complications. In this blog, we cover how to recognise the signs of symptoms of a stroke before it happens, as well as the risk factors and preventions of a stroke.
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What is Parkinson's disease? Symptoms to watch for Elderly People

Thousands of people in the UK have Parkinson's disease, and most of us in some way will be touched by Parkinson's - whether we have it ourselves or need to help care for a loved one. With that in mind, we explore the symptoms and causes and possible treatments for Parkinson’s.
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How Can an Elderly Person Survive a Heart Attack on Their Own?

Heart attacks often occur when people are alone. Knowing what to do when heart attack symptoms arise can save your life. Our guide will help you spot the symptoms and warning signs of an early heart attack, and advise on how to survive a heart attack on your own.
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How Does an Elderly Person Get Emphysema?

Emphysema is a lung condition which causes shortness of breath. There are treatments available that aim to slow its progression and minimise symptoms. Therefore, it is best to determine whether you’re suffering from emphysema as early as possible for the best long-term outcome.
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What Types of Epilepsy Do Elderly People Suffer From?

Epilepsy is a common condition that affects the brain and causes frequent seizures. We know epilepsy can be a worrying prospect, but if you understand the type of epilepsy you or a loved one has, you can learn to treat it more effectively. Most people with the condition are able to live normal lives if their seizures are well controlled.
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