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Map GPS icon Mobile Alarms with GPS Tracking

Mobile alarms can be taken anywhere with you, unlike traditional alarms that will only work at home. With a mobile alarm you can be safe at home, in the garden, or ‘out and about’. This means you can have peace of mind walking the dog, visiting friends and going to the shops. GPS tracking in your elderly personal alarm means that we will know where to send help to when you press the SOS button.

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6 Family Monitored v2 SureSafeGO Pendant + Family Monitoring
Mobile GPS tracker alarm. Be safe anywhere, Family monitored with fall detection, talking pendant and family app.

How Can I Track my Elderly Parents?

As our parents and loved ones age we can become more and more concerned about their wellbeing. As our parents physical and mental health can start to decline it can be a common worry about being able to find them when they need help. We often get asked the question, ‘how can I track my elderly parents’?

How can SureSafe’s GPS Tracker Alarms Help?

Our GPS trackers for the elderly mobile alarms provide protection for the wearer wherever they are, whether they are at home, or they are out of the house. Our GPS trackers for the elderly make every day activities safer and more enjoyable, such as going for walks, going to the shops or spending some time in the garden.

Our trackers are fitted with easy-to-use modern GPS tracking technology, which means the wearer can be located quickly, wherever they are, in the unfortunate event of an accident or emergency. This means fatal or serious injury risk is minimised. You are just as safe taking a walk, going to the shops or gardening as you are inside your own home. GPS tracking technology also means that the wearer can be located quickly in the event of an emergency, when they are away from the home.

Traditional personal alarms for elderly people have been available since the 1980’s and the technology has not changed much since then. Operating on a system that has a base unit attached to a telephone landline, the user wears a remote pendant alarm button that they can press in the event of an emergency. Our mobile ‘Anywhere Alarms’ offer so much more protection because they are not tied to a landline, or a home location, in order to offer the wearer both safety and peace of mind. You are safe wherever you choose to go. Just press the SOS button and help will be on the way.

What Is The Best GPS Tracker For The Elderly?

Get the best in safety and security. The SureSafeGO ‘Anywhere’ Alarm, is one of the leading GPS trackers for the elderly that offers protection:

  • at home
  • in the garden
  • away from the home
  • has two-way communication when a call is answered

What’s more, SureSafeGO has built in fall detection. This means that if a wearer should fall and be unable to press the alarm button e.g. following a stroke or loss of consciousness, the alarm senses this and activates the system automatically.

Other alarms on the market for the elderly can require the wearer to be able to access their mobile phone, which could be in a bag or pocket, in order to activate it. The chances are that if the wearer is in distress e.g. having a heart attack, stroke or similar, that they will not be in a position to fumble around to first find, and then activate the alarm. The SureSafeGO is different. All you need to do is press the SOS button on the pendant, and help will be on the way!

The SureSafeGO ‘Anywhere’ Alarm is a water resistant pendant that is always in reach should an emergency occur. A pendant that allows a simple touch of the button to raise the alarm and get the help that is needed. Read more about the SureSafeGO ‘Anywhere’ Alarm here.

What's more, the new SureSafeGO Plus alarm offers a wrist worn option as an alternative to the neck worn best-seller. In addition to being wrist worn the SureSafeGO Plus offers a few additional features including a heart rate monitor, a step counter, voice prompts for a better user experience, as well as being able to tell the time like a normal smartwatch can.

Sure Safe Woman with Baby and Daughter Illustration Footer Left Sure Safe Man on Bicycle Illustration Footer Right

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