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Elderly woman in white vintage dress walks around 2021 11 19 17 36 34 utc
07 Jun 2022 Dementia

What Is the Best GPS Tracker for Elderly Alzheimer’s Patients?

Promoting a sense of independence in elderly Alzheimer’s patients is essential, particularly in the early stages. However, it can be a frightening prospect for the person with it and those who love and care for them. Devices that are equipped with GPS tracking to locate a person can be extremely useful. Not only do they lower the risk of someone with Alzheimer’s getting lost, but they can provide peace of mind for them and their loved ones.
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18 May 2022 Lone Worker Alarms

What should a personal alarm be used for in lone working?

A personal alarm or other lone worker device can be a valuable piece of lone working equipment, providing peace of mind in case of an emergency for your staff and ensuring that you meet your obligations as an employer of lone workers.
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